Sunday, September 21, 2008

September School Holidays

In the school holidays we went to Shearwater for a few days.

THe weather wasn't the best but we had plenty to do. We went

to the bluff for a walk, went bike riding, swimming, played tennis, squash

racquet ball and table tennis. We had a wonderful time.

grass skiing

This is the boy's latest...grass skiing behind the 4 wheeler.


The top two photos are of Jake following an overnighter. He fell asleep in front of the fire. While he was asleep we drew dots on his face with textas and he never even stirred. He did look funny when he woke up.

The other photos are of his foot. He come off a trampoline at a friends place and sprained his ankle-quite badly. He had to be on crutches for a few days. It hurt like hell.....

Billycart Challenge

The annual billycart challenge is on this weekend. The young men from each ward race each other to find out who is the fastest. Dean, Mick and Steve spent the day working on the billcart.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

just general stuff

Hi there everybody. Havnt been doing much different lately. This is just me right now after going for a long walk with the dog. It was a cold windy day. I think I look pretty sexy in my new beany. I just noticed my fingers, i forgot about that. I slipped in the rain and put my hand up to catch myself on the corner of a brick wall. I left it for a week and when it didn't get better i went to the doctor who thinks i have fractured it. she said it is only your little finger, if you were a pianist or something she would have it xrayed. Too bad for my typing heh!! But its true i don't need it that much.
I have no other photo as yet to post.
On Sunday I went to TREC training with Truman my horse at Four Springs Lake. It was windy, it was pouring down, it was cold and muddy. I got drenched, but I had a great time and Tru did great except for a huge buck after we popped over a small jump. Going to have to work on that!! We wasn't the only mad people going in such horrible weather to enjoy our sport. There were some mad fisherman out in the middle of lake and some push bikes riders riding through the bush paths.
Someone from the club was taking pictures of us so I might have some photos later on. TREC is about obstacles. We practiced water obstacles, bridges, poles, jumps, gates, dragging bags, standing alone, etc. Great fun!!
Hope to see what the rest of you are up to!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's about time....

Hey families,
Isn't it about time you added something to the blog. It is only going to work if people add to the site. Let us know what is going on in your lives. It won't take long to add something.....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Our Saturday

The young men and their leaders are having an annual billy cart race in September. So the race is on to make this one the quickest. THis is Dean, Steve and Mick
THis is Arron earning money to buy his bike by washing and polishing Dean's car.

Our creative boys and their friend Sam grass skiing behind the 4 wheeler. Many happy hours spent here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Jake was chosen along with another girl to design a 'chair' or politican leader, Peter Gutwein.

The chairs will be auctioned to raise money.
This picture was in Wednesday's Examiner.